Monday, February 14, 2011

But the heartless wind kept blowing, blowing..

I would like to say Happy Valentine's Day but to be honest I'm tired of this too.
I used to hold on to days such as this, somehow this belief disappeared somewhere from about four years ago to today. The ego of the population is making me sick, those who tries hardest is those will never get anything. That's one of the reason I have stopped trying so hard, and it will pass someday.
We should celebrate love everyday instead of making a day to celebrate it. To not be pathetic but I'm only thinking about those who can't celebrate this day, because of very sad reasons.

I'm not used to miss people, for some years to today I've been holding to same people - My family and few more. But those few have lately somehow disappeared during the years, I guess it's the way of life when some come and some go. Right now I just miss my parents, so don't "Happy valentine's day" me.

I never thought I would be like this but I'm giving up kinda much of "me" lately, since it haven't worked out these late years and I believe it's one of the reasons I'm alone right now.
I would like to meet someone else today but I think she's just too busy to see me which she been lately, I have known her for so long and to be honest she never really suprised me once.
Although I'm thinking too much.
I'm simple.

I might be alone but I haven't really lost those I need.
They have disappeared but they are still alive.

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