Merry Christmas, I gonna make a different post than usual christmas posts you have seen all over the world.
Should be 2nd but I take this one first because it's "closer" to my reality..
1st: It's more of less snowstorms in many countries like Sweden, during this our travel network breaks and people start to complain. Of course, we should be prepared but if we aren't prepared enough I just ask you to show to patience. I'm sick of hearing complains that your train is late, you can't get to dinner and so on.
Why did you show up so late, like last minutewise?
If you ask yourself when you are waiting for you train, who is out there making this network smooth any other day? Have you ever think of these people, THEY are making your day without you notice. These people work to make you able to celebrate your christmas by sacrificing their own, they sacrifice for the greater good of this countries.
As well as people working within care/nursing, these people also works at "your" important day. That they work doesn't mean it's not important to them, they just see the big picture.
And when your train is stuck somewhere or the rails are frozen, think about those shoveling people. If it really was able to do with only machines you wouldn't stand there complaining, it's actually a lot human shoveling and if you didn't know the rails isn't short. You are inside a warm train station when they are outside in minus 20*C, they do that because NO ONE else would do it.
How would the picture look like if EVERYONE didn't work this day? I believe you would be sitting at home and looking into a corner that suits you best.
2nd: I wrote on facebook: Merry Christmas! Take a moment and think about those who can't celebrate cause of unfair reasons ex: children without family.
There's a lot of people not only children out there that also wants to celebrate festivals like christmas but many, too many don't have the opportunity to. Once again, these reasons are so many and to be honest a lot of them are easily solved. These people doesn't even wish much and still they get like nothing.
Please do like me, donate money or somehow help people who can't live like us. I don't mean sharing belief, I mean being able to choose what to believe in.
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